Dos command for mac address windows 7
Dos command for mac address windows 7

dos command for mac address windows 7

%SystemRoot%\System32\netsh. IF DEFINED CHANGEMAC FOR /F "tokens=2,4*" %%I IN ('%SystemRoot%\System32\netsh.exe interface show interface ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /L "Enabled"') DO ( However the above recommendation of 'sudo nmap -sn' is the best quickest method to get the all the MACs for the IPs on your local network/vlan/subnet What the OP doesnt mention, is the only way to get the MAC address this way, you MUST use sudo(or other super user privs i.e. IF DEFINED RESETMAC %SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe DELETE "!REGPATH!" /F /V NetworkAddress >nul 2>&1 IF DEFINED CHANGEMAC %SystemRoot%\System32\reg.exe ADD "!REGPATH!" /F /V NetworkAddress /T REG_SZ /D !CHANGEMAC! >nul 2>&1 :: You can paste directly from ipconfig or wireshark because : - ^( ^). :: Then you can input new MAC, clear previous MAC by inputting 0 or skip by pressing :: For each network adapter it will list RegPath, GUID, Name, previous modified MAC if exists :: Change MAC script by bobdynlan, release 1 Simply open a command prompt and type: getmac /s viper. Handy now, with all this Denial-of-service-ing comeback. Like the (misleading) title of this question, it's missing the random part (left as an exercise to replace set /p with a call to a generator label). Here is the definite batch file for changing MAC address on Windows 7:

Dos command for mac address windows 7